I found this to be a doable, yet challenging project. Probably because I screwed up multiple times, but that's ok. This particular project consisted of searching for letters of inaminate objects throughout the school and attempting to spell out your name after some editing on photoshop. Going into it I thought we were allowed to take pictures of actual letters throughout the school, after looking around I discovered that that would be just too easy (but kind of nice). Letters actually do show up within the school which was cool to discover becasue it's not like you're actually looking out for those things even though they're right in front of your eyes every day. I probably ended up moving the photos onto my computer three of four times, each time realizing I was missing some letters and had to do some more shooting. Perhaps I would have benifited with some better organization. Once I finally got all my pictures taken I started making my banner on photoshop, only I thought we actually needed to make three banners, not just one. It turned out we just needed three options for each letter, not three banners. My bad. But I am finally done and despite all my self-inflicted errors, I was able to complete this project and appreciate looking at the school in a different way and exercising my creative eyes.