Monday, 14 April 2014

Studio Lighting

        The three photographs above are all those of the studio lighting assignment. I had to chose a subject as a model and take three portraits of him using different lighting techniques. Going into this I was not looking forward to it. I didn't think the experimental portion would be very much fun. Not to say that I ended up loving taking these photos, but it wasn't so bad either. I liked experimenting with the different lighting techniques and seeing how many different results I could get from very minor changes. I think the pictures turned out decently and I was able to cover some main lighting techniques. And taking these photos took not but 20 minuted which is always nice. I ran into no problems doing studio lighting, I think it is difficult to run into problems with this specific assignment as all of the lighting is experimental, there is no right or wrong. The picture to the top left is one where I took one studio light, lowered it, and aimed it straight up at my subject, lighting him up along with a nice circle of light on the background. It also created a cool shadow of my subject. The picture to the top right included moving my subject forward, lowering a studio light and aiming it at the basckground without hitting my subject. This caused my subject to be dark and my background to be light. The photo at the bottom is simply a studio light at medium height aiming at my subject from the side. I also decided to use the disc to reflect a gold-ish light to the side of my subject's face. I like how my subject's face is split right down the middle, half light and half dark. The shadow effect is nice too. Overall I underestimated the fact that doing studio can be fun and I ran into no problems and am very happy with the results.

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