Thursday, 22 May 2014

Alternate Processes

This process probably required the most experimenting personally. It took many different tries. I was trying to get objects that would reflect some light, I believe I was decently successful. I got as many plastic peices as possible, this including a plastic bag, goggles, and a thumb tack case. I wanted to show some disorganization and things all over the place as photography can be a little bit like that for me. I made sure the photo had some balance by putting my headphone down in the gap. I'm satisfied with the final outcome, it took many tries to get some contrast instead of black in white but in the end I think it looks ok and get's the message I wanted across. Seven seconds of exposure.
 Double Exposure:
This was by far the most frustrating and least successful process for me. Getting to pictures with the same light exposure was hard enough but then lining them up and making it work was thrown on top. I purposely took pictures of two tunnels and then a picture of Harry with his arms out. I wanted to blend these photo's to represent not knowing what path to go down. I think it relates well to high schoolers especially, as well as the rest of the world since we've all had hard decisions to make in our lifetime. Altough the picture isn't beautiful, I think the message is decent. A: 18 for both photo's as well as 1000 shutter speed due to the fact that it was a sunny day. Thirteen seconds of exposure.
This was my favourite of the three processes, it took some experimenting but I found it fun, not frustrating. I chose this photo simply due to the fact that it look nice and contrasty because it was taken at Wedgewood. I was happy to get a picture of Harry in mid-air jumping the river and thought it looked cool so I took it. I was hoping for all sorts of shades once solarized which I got to an extent. The tree's look cool in this photo, it would have been nice to get a cool water effect but that didn't happen. But I thought that solarizing this picture would almost give Harry a sort of 'superhero' look with the effect which is why I chose this picture. After many trials, the final outcome was paper that was exposed for six seconds and then flashed for about two and a half seconds under light after being slightly developed. I used an A of 18 and a 1000 shutter speed once again not only because of the bright sun but so that I could catch Harry with no blur.

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